Tuesday 5 November 2013

Introductory Post

The Kite Runner 
By Khaled Hosseini

Synopsis: Set in the early 1970's, Amir whom is the son of a wealthy Kabul and his servant Hassan, though with extreme diverse backgrounds, holds a close bond. Their bond is broken as Amir abandons his closest companion and flees to America with his family in hopes of being free from the soviet invasion and the continuing war zone in Afghanistan. A decade later, a family friend fills Amir in of the devastation that restored their beloved home country. Amir then embarks in a dangerous journey to Afghanistan in hopes of mending the bond he broke against his closest childhood friend. 

Reason for choosing this book: Though this novel was not much of a choice to read since it was given to us by the English Online 12 course, I found myself very intrigued while reading the synopsis that was writing on the back cover. I mainly was drawn in by how the book seemed to work around the theme of "redemption" which is always something that people, including me, can identify with. I also found the fact that the author's past life is very similar to the story of Amir. I believe that if a story is driven from past experience and passion, it makes it all the better to read since there is that spark of realism. Lastly,I've been always surrounded by stories of the continuing wars and hardships in Afghanistan, but I never truly felt connected to the cause nor was the issue ever close to my heart. I wish to learn from this story and be more aware of what is happening to the world around me. I hope by reading this novel it will give me a better understanding of the life of the civilians in Afghanistan and also open my eyes to the importance of family bonds and friendships that I currently hold. 

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